Do YOU have an Emergency Kit?

Basically, you just want something easy to grab with all the essentials in case your power or water (or both) have an outage so you can continue moving forward without any hesitation. This is a simple list of some items you will want to have on hand in case of a short-term emergency at home. I have also included affiliate links for the items we have used in our own emergency planning and some that have come highly recommended. You don’t have to get everything on this list, but each item listed will meet needs that arise in almost any emergency situation. For more posts and resources on emergency prep, check out the survival section of my site!

  • Storage tote for easy access
  • A good flashlight and extra batteries
  • Wool blanket – 1 per every 1-2 people, I recommend having at least 2 on hand
  • Small first aid kit
  • Matches, lighters, candles
  • Camp stove or burner, small pan/pot, extra fuel or canisters
  • Case of water and snacks (non-perishable, no power/water required)

Check out my post Snack Attack! for more snack ideas!

  • Two-way radios or fully charged phone
  • Activities! Some board games, deck of cards, etc.
  • Paper plates, cups, bowls, utensils
  • Paper towels & toilet paper -just 2 rolls of each is good for this
  • Sanitation needs – bathroom, hand-washing, cleaning, a couple of bath towels

*Be sure to have a few gallons of sanitation water on hand in case your water is out so you can still use your toilet! (Refill the tank as needed)

  • Tool kit
  • Just you? Need something light and travel-friendly? Here are some all-in-one simple storage gear bag options:

These are just some suggestions to make things easier for you as you plan ahead for your next power outage, storm, or other short-term emergency. Please share your own ideas in the comments below as well!

Stay safe & have fun! It’s a challenging time but you can still have some good times amidst the chaos.

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