Hello from MGR & Company!

We are a veteran-owned, family-operated small business specializing in handmade gifts for the heart, mind, body and soul! All of our products are either handcrafted, handpainted, or custom designed and assembled in-house. We take special care with each and every piece, and we love to hear all the stories of lives that have been impacted by what we do! Our world is ever-changing, and life continues to bring the unexpected. We strive to provide people with great tools and resources to live a life of freedom while rooted in faith and courage amidst the chaos and heartache that surrounds us each day.

Mama’s Gone Rogue was designed from the beginning as a self-sufficiency based homesteading and emergency preparedness resource. Our shop carries products by our small artisan businesses, Courageous Will Safety Gear and Nocturnal Flame Designs. We also self-publish all of our notebooks, journals, and novels through MGR Publishing Co. Our goal is to have something for everyone, and for all of our projects at hand to be either multi-purpose, recyclable, or supporting other small businesses like ours!