Showing: 1 - 10 of 24 RESULTS

Proverbs 2: The Value of Wisdom

Proverbs 2, New King James Version (NKJV) My son, if you receive my words,And treasure my commands within you,2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom,And apply your heart to understanding;3 Yes, if you cry out for discernment,And lift up your voice for understanding,4 If you seek her as silver,And search for her as …

Proverbs 1: The Beginning of Knowledge

Proverbs 1, New King James Version (NKJV) The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel: 2 To know wisdom and instruction,To perceive the words of understanding,3 To receive the instruction of wisdom,Justice, judgment, and equity;4 To give prudence to the simple,To the young man knowledge and discretion—5 A wise man will hear and increase learning,And a man of understanding will attain wise …

A Walk Through Proverbs

October has so many qualities, and one of my favorites is that there are 31 days in the month. As people start to shift into think about family gatherings, preparations, festivals, parties, activities, performances and more, it’s the perfect time to also shift our focus toward wisdom. I love that the book of Proverbs has …

Running Man

Want to try the running man? It’s just a quick little exercise to get the blood flowing, and can be a quick energy boost when you need one. Side note… if you have any high-energy kids, this is a great way to channel the energy into a focused activity! How to do it… Simple! Just …

Chicken Cashew Lettuce Wraps

This is one of my FAVORITE family clean-eating meals, and I usually will double or triple the recipe if we want leftovers or meal prep for the week. Chicken cashew lettuce wraps are a simple and easy meal that you can either make ahead or eat right away. It’s great for a light lunch or …

Have an Emergency Kit!

Do YOU have an Emergency Kit? Basically, you just want something easy to grab with all the essentials in case your power or water (or both) have an outage so you can continue moving forward without any hesitation. This is a simple list of some items you will want to have on hand in case …

Chocolate Walnut Biscotti

These delicious cocoa-nutty treats are light and crunchy, perfect for a morning or afternoon coffee or tea break! The walnuts can also be substituted with any nut of your choosing: sliced almonds, chopped skinned hazelnuts, etc. Anyone I have shared these with has raved about them, even those who aren’t usually fans of walnuts or …


Desperate cries for exposure and truth – These are the cries of our soulsBut what will we do when the lies are revealed,Exposing all the holes? When the refining fire consumes our disguiseRevealing our imperfection…Will we fall on our faces, seeking wisdom and life,Heeding the gentle correction? We are all accountable for what we know,Required …

Yes – Get A Food Dehydrator!

If you have ever wondered about whether or not you should get a food dehydrator, the answer is YES! You can do so many snacks and dry food items for regular eating or for emergency storage, and it preserves the nutrients that are in the food since it is basically raw. When you aren’t feeling …