I mean, who needs it, right?

I find that most days the only time I have to myself is either late at night or in the early, o’dark thirty hours of the morning. All is calm… it is during this time that I can shut everything else out for a whole minute (sometimes more!) without interruption. The hours before that are pure mind torture, as I’m setting aside this and that, making a mental list of all the things I’m going to do once I’m alone and free.

Then the hour is upon me, and suddenly… crickets. So I now have all this time and opportunity, but absolutely no interest in anything on the list. My honey-do pile is just laughing at me, taunting me as I turn my back on it. I mean, what was I thinking??? So instead I create a whole new agenda for myself, and a few hours later I find that not only have I solved all the world’s problems, but I’ve also managed to create an entirely new honey-do pile for myself to tackle “tomorrow”. Uh… you do realize the kids will be up in a few hours, right? Well then. Cereal and cartoons, anyone?

Seriously though. We’ve all been there. So much to do, so little time, and about ten thousand distractions. I actually have a pretty good balance of my time, but when it is shared with other people there is only so much that can be done to keep things civil and still accomplish the priorities. That “get ‘er done” approach doesn’t exactly sit well with everyone, and sometimes makes an even bigger mountain to climb. So at this point I’ve learned that what used to work at one time in my life may not work for me now, and it’s time to adapt to the change.

Why change?

Because sometimes change is a good thing, and when a true transformation takes place, something amazing and beautiful shows up afterward.

Ever watched a caterpillar emerge from his little cocoon and see a caterpillar? Nope. The fantastic process of metamorphosis turns that little guy into a gorgeous butterfly (or moth). Stunning!

Babies become toddlers, children, preteens, teenagers…. At some point, we all have to grow up. Our biggest transformation is when we grow from a child into an adult, and that childish way is replaced with maturity. I can’t speak for anyone in that area though as some of us aren’t quite there yet…*ahem, ahem* but you get the idea. Growing older and wiser is a part of life, and adulthood is sort of a “right of passage” to the golden years… or is it the silver (haired) years…?

Sometimes we all need those quiet moments to just reflect back on our day, or to look forward to the time ahead. Or use it to party the night away, whatever works for you. Be willing to adapt to the opportunity at hand. Seize the day, if you will, but in a way that works for you. My agenda tonight started out with some laundry and light cleanup, but instead of attacking my honey-do pile on the table tonight I’m going to snuggle with a cat or two and stare at the ceiling, just because I can and I’m done adulting for today.

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