I don’t know about you, but the need for fueling up is always there throughout the day, and those snacks know me on a first name basis. Depending on the snack, we even exchange nicknames. For instance, my good, clean snacks usually compliment me and leave me feeling pretty happy. My junky snacks have a tendency to laugh at me when we hang out too much and give me a hard time about life. So for the most part I try to go for the good ones as much as possible! Also, aside from eating clean, if you have kids and are trying to find lower sugar, cleaner ingredients and dye-free snacks then you probably want them to hang out with the good snacks too! We keep an endless supply of fresh fruit, snack cheese, yogurt, pretzels, etc. but of course everyone likes to also rummage through the cabinets when it’s snack time.

Here are a few of my favorites! Please share yours in the comments- to quote a friend of mine, having the same snacks for too long over and over just gets old and sometimes you just want something new! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases so be sure to use my links here if you are restocking the pantry with any of these items. Thanks in advance for your support!

Added bonus for these snacks is their shelf life- all of these snacks are perfect for emergency prep as well, since they are individually wrapped to last a little longer and have clean, healthy ingredients. These are excellent go-to snacks if you need to have food on hand for an emergency!

Cave Man Paleo Bars. I love dark chocolate, and mixed with almonds or coconut is definitely a weakness of mine. These bars are awesome! Not only are they made with raw, clean ingredients, but they are also gluten free and dairy free. The flavor is definitely there, and I don’t feel like I just broke my diet when I have one. If you are watching calories, they are about 200 calories per bar, so you can easily break one in half for a quick snack and it’s still pretty filling.

That’s It Fruit Bars. I have to admit, these look really weird. When I saw it, my mind immediately went into the “oh no way” mindset… but they smell amazing, and smell is a big part of something tasting good. Once I got over the look, I was blown away by the flavor in these! The ingredients are super simple also: just two. Apples, and whatever fruit the bar is supposed to be. Strawberry is apples and strawberries. Blueberry is apples and blueberries. Mango is apples and mangoes. Basically is just mashed, shaped and dried fruit so the sugar is completely natural! Full of fiber, so don’t eat too many because that might end up with some tummy troubles later… but these are the perfect size for a quick sugar snack when you need it.

Skinny Dipped Almonds. My preschooler LOVES these! I buy them in the little snack pack sizes for portion control, and she looks forward to her little pack every day. I like the dark chocolate ones the best, but you can also get them in a variety of other flavors as well as other nuts!

Trail Mix. We eat a lot of trail mix. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, sunflower seeds, etc. we love it all! The kids really like when I get the ones with m&ms inside, but they also like the little raisins and dried cranberries too. I enjoy getting both of these, alternating which ones I get so we can keep it interesting. Thumbs up for trail mix though, any kind works for me.

Freeze-Dried Fruit. This is a winner for all ages! Even babies who are just trying their first foods can love these, since there are no added ingredients and they dissolve almost instantly. So much better for the body than those sugar and carb-loaded puffs and cereal snacks. Personally, I like the apple and pear ones the best, but they are all delicious.

Bare Coconut Chips. If you like coconut, then these are for you! You can buy them in small packs or large bags, depending on how you want to store them and eat them. You can also get apple or banana chips, and all of them are dried fruit chips so they are crunchy like chips. Either way, they are delicious.

Veggie Straws. Tasty alternative to salty, crunchy chips! These are also good for any age, and they are made with simple ingredients and aren’t loaded with a lot of grease and carbs like most chip snacks.

Skinny Pop Popcorn. Who doesn’t love popcorn? Popcorn is a big thing at our house, ever week we have it as part of family movie night, so we’ve done everything from stovetop to microwave to ready popped popcorn. Any way you make it, it’s so good! We love this brand’s cheddar popcorn the best. A nice things about this one is you can get them in 100-calorie packs if you are watching calories, but you also have the option of the other flavors in snack-sized bags and even the butter flavor in microwave bags! Take your pick, and enjoy!

Skinny Pop Salted Caramel Mini Cakes. These are basically like mini rice cakes, and if you have a sweet tooth for salted caramel or caramel corn, you will love these!

Motts Fruit Snacks. These are dye-free and the kids love them! I sneak a taste every now and then because they really are good.

Annie’s Fruit Snacks. These are dye- free and also gluten-free and vegan. Another tasty choice for sweet gummy snacks!

Annie’s Bunny Snack Crackers & Graham’s. These are a great alternative to goldfish crackers and teddy grahams if you are looking for less sugar and cleaner, fewer ingredients! The kids still love them and they have a few flavor choices as well.

Crunchy Rice Rollers. Made with just a few ingredients, these taste just like Sugar Smacks cereal! Organic brown rice, brown rice syrup, cane sugar and agar, these are also vegan and gluten-free as well.

As I mentioned before, these are some of our favorites and we have enjoyed keeping these snacks on hand for every day use and for pantry storage. Tell me about your favorite snacks and share them below!

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