
Most people call me Ana, and there are some who use my full name. I’m the artist & creator of Nocturnal Flame Designs, and the mama behind both Mama’s Gone Rogue and Courageous Will Safety Gear. I have a passion for digging up truth, bringing light to the darkness, and unearthing the treasures in life.

I’ll keep this short & sweet… do you need a different kind of courage? Do you love freedom but feel like you are stuck? Are you looking for more of something, but you don’t know what it is? There is so much more to life and love than what we see and think. We have found truth growing stronger in our own family as we daily dig deeper into the Bible- God’s Word- and seek a true relationship with Him in everything we do.

We want to share our little nuggets of knowledge and experience along with a few resources to help you feel better prepared for what is to come in this life and beyond. We hope to spur you on in love and kindness, and encourage you to grow deeper in your own relationship with God. We have but one life to live… so what are you waiting for? Life is an adventure… Just be REAL and live it!

~ Ana

Writer, Artist, Musician, Foodie, Fitness Freak, Survival Geek, Tech Nerd, Book Lover, Sci-Fi Junkie, Prayer Warrior, Truth-Seeker, Homemaker, Teacher, Friend, Wife, Mom, Adventurer

Life is going to happen… just let it.

Enjoy the ride, train as a warrior

in body, mind and soul, infuse life

with passion, pursue truth.

What is the point of these endless

masquerade parties?

Be strong and courageous… have faith.

Let’s be real and LIVE.