No matter what you do, goals are important. It’s the baby steps that count, and when you set small goals to reach the big goal everything seems a little more manageable. Figure out what you can do, and push yourself to do a little bit more to set a higher standard for yourself and MOTIVATE!!!

So what if you can only do one pushup. Or one chin-up. Decide your first small goal is to do two and practice every chance you get. Maybe set your end goal to be 5 or 10. If you find you are moving fast, add more goals!

Oh. You hate to exercise. Well then. Your first goal will be to find something you don’t mind doing. Put the tv remote on the floor and squat down to grab it every time you need it… Push the garbage can back and forth across the driveway a few times… rearrange the canned goods in the pantry by holding each item above your head for five seconds at a time… climb up and down a ladder or something! Your body will thank you, and you’ll be able to do a lot more once you get going.

My goal is to learn to like running…or something about it. At the moment, I still hate it even though I have been working on it for months! But I love how it makes me feel. Also, I don’t like to just run or jog the same pace, and I have found that I need variety. So, while I push the stroller I am also sporadically racing with the kids on certain stretches of our walks, like mini sprints with walks in between. SO MUCH FUN! Really I just do it to hear them laugh, but also I am loving the results. We will see how I feel in a few more months. What is your biggest nemesis in the world of fitness?

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