Concrete and solid,
Unbreakable, it seems-
The wall towers over you and I,
Creating the Great Divide.

Dark and gloomy,
Miserably heartbreaking,
It casts a shadow over the greenery,
Killing off any potential harvesting.

Thunder rolls and lightning strikes,
Raindrops gently fall on both sides –
Mirroring the dreariness,
The darkness that clouds our relationship.

Sprinkling water becomes a downpour,
Accelerating as the wind begins to blow.
The leaves have fallen,
And the peaceful land begins to stir.

In the midst of the oncoming storm,
The wall still remains.
It cannot crumble, and will not fall,
As the resistance is too strong.

The resistance is not new, and is not one-sided,
As it was built over time with hatred and pain.
Concrete and impenetrable,
The wall has thickened and settled into a mighty fortress.

This wall is a Great Divide –
It was built between us, rather than around us,
Thus, hindering our potential bond
And forcing disunity among us.

Instead of establishing a wall of unification,
Lined with trust, grace, honor, and respect,
We built another wall in its place.
We built a wall of selfishness – the Great Divide.

Why not trust each other?
Why not tear down this Great Divide?
Why not overcome the fear and the hate?
Why not rebuild a bridge of unification and protection?

To rebuild together we must be unified in love…
And love is a choice.
We must choose to overcome the hate…
And choose to persevere and grow through the pain.

While the rain is falling and the thunder rolls,
As the lightning strikes and the shadows loom-
We must free ourselves of this shameful darkness
And dance with open arms through the storm.

Though the bricks may be slick,
Though the height may intimidate us,
We must climb to the top of this wall- together –
And destroy this Great Divide.

The wall of division will crumble
As love prevails over all…
The bridge of unity will be rebuilt
As love is never failing…


Love is a choice.

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